Hi, my name is Anna and I love science ♥

I am the face behind the Biology Bag of Wonders I am a born scientist I just did not always know it :)

Since I was very little I would sneak odd liquids from the kitchen and the bathroom and mix them... hoping that something awesome will happen 😜. Ever since I can remember, I always asked many questions and I always looked for answers, andlearning became my passion. I love problem solving.

I am also a creative person who likes to make things with her own hands. After finishing my Biology-Chemistry profiled high school, I joined university. My choice of topic was Biotechnology, which combines many disciplines including genetics, molecular biology and biochmistry. During my years at the university I slowly discovered that commnunicating science is not an easy task... Already back then I tried to use colours, graphics and my own pictures to explain science better and more clearly understandable to everyone. Here my passion for teaching was unveiling, as I liked to share my knowladge and passion for science not only with fellow scientists but also everyone else.

After finishing my Masters degree my thirst for science continued. I joined a PhD program and continued my academic journey. I grew more interested in graphic programs, which helped me present my results and data better. I started turning more of my science into graphics. I contunued to enjoy teaching and gliding new students into bench reasearch. Eventually, reasearch was not enough, and was not fulfilling enough any longer. My final turning point happened around my second postdoctoral position when I realised that I love drawing science, communicating it and teaching, and this is what I should be doing.

I started looking for new horizons, I taught myself more graphic design and I looked around at eLearning / eTeaching happening online, and contemplated if there might be a place for me... In parallel, I became a freelancing Science Illustrator and Consultant. Like every business out there I also desired my own website at some point. Just like with other things, I thought,

- "Hey, I can make one myself."
I jumped online looking for tutorials and know-hows. Well, it turned out to be more complicated than I had initially thought, especially for a creative person like me who wants to customise everything 😁. This is how I discovered that you can learn website coding in Web Development Bootcamps. I found one and in just under five months I became a Web Developer.

The website you are browsing through right now (thank you for getting to this point by the way) is all my creation ©. So enjoy and contact me for a commissioned work or just to get in touch with me.